I also found a way to turn it into ricotta cheese.
It made about a cup of ricotta which I diluted an used on Lasagne as part of the topping along with the mozzarella. It certainly made the 4 litres of milk more cost effective.
Ricotta Recipe
Pour the Whey back into your pot and heat back up to from 200 degrees to boiling. The temperature here is not critical and you don't have to do it slow. Just be VERY careful not to let it boil over. It WILL make a mess.
Some people suggest letting the Whey set out overnight. I have tried that and also started it right away and haven't noticed any difference.
Turn the heat off and let it cool down some. After a little while, if there is stuff floating on top stir it so that it sinks to the bottom. This will help later so you can just strain most of the liquid and it won't clog up the filter so fast.
I just heated it up and then strained it over night. It worked well.
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