I picked a supermarket bag full and preserved them as a chunky pasta sauce. This is roughly based on something my mother made (and still makes). The best thing about today's efforts is that I know the tomatoes have been grown with no sprays in a really healthy natural environment.
The sauce is incredibly versatile and really handy to have when you need a meal in a hurry...anything from blended as a soup to added to mince to make a quick bolognese sauce.
The sauce started with sweated onions and garlic.
The tomatoes are skinned (score a cross across the top of tomato and dip in boiling water, then plunge into ice cold water - the skin just comes away), chopped and added to onion and garlic with a little bit of sugar and salt to season.
My other reasons to feel virtuous are firstly bagging frozen cubes of pesto that I made last weekend. I use these cubes in bread, pasta sauces or just stirred through cooked pasta.
Secondly was my first attempt at making mozzarella cheese. But that's another post!
You truly are a domestic goddess. *bows*