Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Strawberry Sorbet

We don't often get the opportunity to visit the Sandringham Fruit and Veggie Market, but did a couple of weeks ago. Strawberries were selling cheap so we bought lots. Once home we cleaned and hulled them, then popped them in the freezer for making into sorbet later.
I found a recipe but just used it as a guide - see below.
My first attempt at making sugar syrup was foiled by a little person who found it in the fridge and 'thought it was water' and drunk it.

I used the ice cream maker after blending the mixture but it would be just as good put in the freezer after blending the mixture if you didn't need it straight away.
The result was really nice. A great substitute to ice cream since it is not full of dairy and sugar.
Not so good in a cone though.
This recipe could be used with any berries and the sugar wasn't really necessary.

Strawberry Sorbet
2-3 cups of frozen strawberries
Sugar syrup 1:1 sugar dissolved in water - approx 3/4 cup
2-3 tablespoons of lime juice

Place all ingredients in blender and blend well.
Place in ice cream maker (or just in freezer until sufficiently solid).

Strawberry Sorbet Recipe:

1/3 cup (80 ml) water
1/3 cup (65 grams) granulated whitesugar
2 1/2 cups or 1 pound (454 grams) fresh or frozen unsweetenedstrawberries
1 tablespoonlemonjuice
1 tablespoon Grand Marnier or otherliqueur(optional)
Note:  If you taste the sorbet after freezing and find the amount of sugar is not right, adjust the level of sugar by adding a little sugar syrup (too little sugar in sorbet) or water (too much sugar in sorbet) and then refreeze the sorbet.  The sorbet is not affected by thawing and refreezing.

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